Dr. Varatharajah Thurairajah
Dr. Varatharajah Thurairaja is a renowned individual amongst Tamils as a human rights defender. He is a first-hand witness of the events which occurred within the “No Fire Zone” in Mullivaikkal, Mullaitivu; and has raised international awareness regarding the systematic genocide which was staged against the Eelam Tamils in 2009. He proactively travelled to many countries, and delivered speeches to simultaneously raise awareness and seek justice for the Tamils' plight. A late Canadian Member of Parliament and Human Rights Watch, Paul Dewar had praised Dr. Varathan in the following manner following Dr. Varathan's keynote address at Ottawa in 2017: As an influential human rights defender, the doctor (T.Varatharajah) was there on the front lines where he not only saved lives when the genocide was occurring, but continued to practice medicine whilst being inflicted himself - a selfless tradition of human rights defenders across the world.